Below are summarized construction update notes:
Pool Area – The pool deck and pool cabana room are complete! All the new furniture has been delivered and is in use. We celebrated the pool cabana room’s soft opening on August 25th. Thank you to the residents that donated their décor, time, and expertise. The bathrooms on the south side of the pool deck are almost complete. New stall doors have been ordered and are expected to arrive in a week. Once the new stall doors are installed, the south pool deck bathrooms will be open.
1 & 2 Stacks – These stacks are RobMar’s main focus. The stucco work in stack 01 is almost complete. All balcony edges in stack 01 have been completed. Stack 02 balcony edges are about 90% done. Several curbs have been waterproofed, many are still in process.
Garage – The garage painting has been completed. RobMar waterproofed the ledge around the covered parking garage. The exterior wall on the 2nd floor parking deck will be pressure cleaned and painted soon.
Front Entrance - The roof of the front entrance needs to be waterproofed. Bids were collected and a proposal has been signed. We are in the permit process. The work itself will take a few days to complete. Residents will be notified once it is scheduled. After the waterproofing, a new name sign will be chosen and installed.
Storage Room – The emergency exit door has been replaced and passed the permit inspection. RobMar completed the concrete restoration in the storage room. The maintenance team is working on painting the new concrete and reinstalling the storage cages that were removed.
Roof – RobMar has begun concrete restoration in the elevator room on the roof.
Kind regards,
Tiffany Marsters
Property Manager
The Aristocrat Condo