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Hopefully the Final Letter to Owners Regarding the Rumors

Peter Wilsens

Dear Fellow Aristocrats,

I hope this will be the last of my posts about negative people causing disruptions and spreading false information. We have SO MANY POSITIVE things going on, why should we be distracted? Yes, we have consulted with our attorneys and yes, they have been referred to the Enforcement Committee. They have made their names known by their postings, emails and supposed conversations with others and knocking on their doors. We will be happy to share these emails and postings with you. You will see that they, time and time again, put themselves in a position of authority that none of the owners have given them through a vote.

One does not live here and rents his unit and the other lives elsewhere and only visits the Aristocrat for short periods of time on rare occasions. Don’t believe these people! They do not even read our blogs and email updates. One of them finally registered for access to the owner’s section of our website about 10 days ago. How has he kept up with the information and updates which have been sent to EVERYONE?

The Board, when it informs owners, it includes ALL OWNERS, NOT JUST SOME!

1-We have provided the information on our State mandated independent audit.

2-We have sent everyone weekly construction updates since the beginning of this project.

3-We have instructed everyone how to submit their questions. There is even an area of the website dedicated to that.

4-We have hired office help to assist in the office so that Ali can take care of her construction obligations and there is still someone for owners to give their questions and requests for information to. All questions and information are responded to within 2 days in most cases.

These few owners have also stated that there are many concerns & questions by various owners, but yet they refuse to produce them to the board to be answered. We ask that if you do have any issues, questions, and/or concerns please send them to so that they can be addressed by the board and/or proper party. Without notifying the board of your question how can you get an answer?

The latest insinuation is that I am suing the Condo. Let me make this clear, I AM NOT SUING MY NEIGHBORS OR OUR BUILDING!!! I have been without a kitchen since this past February. We decided that I would be the test case to see how to best serve our owners and the building. The State passed a law this past Spring which dictates who pays for what repairs when necessary. Right now, my insurance company is battling it out with the building insurance company to see who pays what. STATE LAW WILL PREVAIL! And the appropriate INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL MAKE THE APPROPRIATE PAYMENTS! I have way too much dignity and way too much RESPECT FOR MY NEIGHBORS to go and sue them!

The jury is still out as to WHEN AND IF ALI WILL QUIT after both of these “gentlemen” verbally attacked and abused her. Please understand that Ali had to learn what needed to be taken care of, who to pay, who to contact etc. It was a long, hard process. Then we started construction and then we had Covid. She has come through this and has done a great job. We have a fully trained, intelligent, competent person. Starting from the beginning and training someone new is not something we want to do. Besides everything else, IT IS NOT THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT A YOUNG LADY, NOR IS IT THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT SOMEONE WHO IS WORKING FOR YOU!

In conclusion, PLEASE DO NOT PARTAKE IN THESE FALSE AND FAKE REPORTS FROM THEM. So few amongst so many good people. Let’s all be part of the solution by working together and not join in with the voices THAT WOULD PULL US APART.

Aristocrat Board

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