Just a hint. This is not the Bahamas!
Last night's Zoom meeting was very well attended. We had between 45 and 50 people, on 37 log ins on the Zoom. What I thought was particularly interesting was the quality of questions. The questions were very relevant and were well put. One comment impressed me in particular. One of our newer owners said the purchase in our building was made BECAUSE they were able to see the work we are putting in to maintain the building.
The Board's proposed assessment was passed. All of the parts of it were explained since not all of them related to the ongoing concrete restoration. Payments will be made, 60% by August 15, 2021 and the final 40% by November 15, 2021. We will all be notified by our billing service of how much, exactly, is due when. A word to the wise. I am putting together my pennies now. Actually, pension loans are a wonderful thing. So are equity loans.
The bottom line is that no Board in its right mind LIKES to ask for an assessment, but they would not be doing their jobs if they allowed the building to fall apart. Unit values in our building, based on recent sales and what is going on in Pompano Beach, are on the rise.