1-Well, stack 6 has had its swing stage moved to stack 1. A pre-existing conditions check is starting today. This means no one is now working above the second floor of the parking garage. More on that later.
2-The area of the stack 7 bedroom windows is now done. That small swing stage is now moved to the area of our fire escape tower. More on that later.
3-The final section of epoxy is being applied to the parking deck. Then their are several coatings that will need to be applied and inspected. This includes water proofing, under coating and finishing coats.
4-7 stack balconies are in the midst of being painted.
5-The area between the 7 and 8 stack kitchen windows are being worked on and finished up.
6-Next weeks stack 7 balcony decks will begin getting finished.
7-Stack 6 is going through final inspections. Everything is being looked at.
8-On September 7th, the day after Labor Day stack 8 sliding glass doors will start to be removed. Stack 8 in the front of the building is being worked on. Those "eyelid" squares are very time consuming, but necessary.
9-The roof of the "wet room" is on and is holding out the rain. There are still metal caps that need to be installed before a final inspection can be scheduled. The metal cap material is ordered and the roofer expects it to be done by mid-week next week.
10-The area by the fire escape tower will begin being worked on. A few floors will be done at a time. Old railings will be removed. Necessary concrete repair will be performed prior to the new railings being installed.