It's been a VERY busy couple of weeks, with Ali leaving, transitioning a new management company and manager into their roles, elections, and concrete restoration meetings. We can state it has been extremely productive also.
Election results:
Pete Wilsens is president
Stella Shelby is vice president
Herb Gloutney is sectretary
Rich Witkowski is treasurer
Steve Segal is director
2. Mark is the new onsite manager with vast experience. Donna and Lucy are the
contacts with the management firm.
3. Hopefully you have noticed that the front entrance is cleaned up and
landscaping is started.
4. We had a security firm to update our door entry system and security cameras.
We have put in an order and hope to have this completed ASAP.
5, VERY IMPORTANT!! You MUST have a sticker validating parking on the premises.
This is for OWNERS, RENTERS, and VISITORS! If you do not have a valid sticker, stop
by the office to get one. Violators WILL BE CITED!
6. Henry and Simon have a lot of painting projects going to spruce everything up.
7. The gym is open and a contract has been signed to fix things and make it more
functional. alot of updates completed
8. The 7 and 8 stacks have stucco and painting going on and excavations are
started on stack 1. When this is done, it will be safe to open the front entrance
and finish the work on the pool and pool rec area.
9. We started a portal where the management company and Mark will update you
on their progress and more efficient and easier way to communicate
10. Electrical upgrades in the parking structure for better lighting has commenced.
It should make it look a lot brighter.
11. FPL is upgrading our lighting over the gates for security.
thank you all for your patience . we appreciate positive comments.
as always, we want to be managers of SOLUTIONS, not managers of problems.
several have asked how to help. We love that!!